Breast feeding your baby breast milk provides tons of great benefits. Here are some of the top things to learn.
9 octobre 2015
Breast feeding your baby breast milk provides tons of great benefits. Here are some of the top things to learn.
To help your infant grow and develop so that they achieve optimal health, breast milk is one of the easiest ways of getting there. Since infants should be fed exclusively breast milk up to the age of at least six months, here's what you need to know to help your infant get there.
Benefits of breast feeding your baby
Physicians have discovered plenty of benefits when it comes to feeding your baby breast milk, especially in the first few weeks and months of life. Here are some of the most common and important ones.
How much breast milk to feed your baby
Each infant will have its own special dietary needs and amounts, but there are a few general ways you can tell how much or little to feed your baby. Some questions include:
How many wet diapers and stools does my baby have each day?
Is my baby growing?
Does my baby appear hungry?
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