So me and my girlfriend ordered a medallion plate medium rare (with 3 medallion steaks). When it arrived one of the medallions was small one was medium in size and one was large. The small one was overcooked the medium one was medium well at best and the third was almost medium rare. As for my girlfriend hers were all well done. I was going to speak to my waiter when I seen the manager pass by some old looking man. I started to tell him how my girlfriend's medallions were all overcooked and mine were well done (of course he spoke barely any english and only broken french) and he started to tell me that no no this is medium and that they are cooked on a stick/brochette and on a charcoal grill. I told him ya I know but that doesn't mean you give someone overcooked/undercooked steaks. He stares blankly at me and I say so what are you going to do, he just repeats oh they are medium bla blah blah and pretty much indicated that he wants me to eat and shut up and pay at the end. All in all worst dinning experience of my life -100% recommendation
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