. 2 skewers of ksfta kabab. 2 skewers of chicken kabab. Small hummos . Large medieterrnean salad. Large white rice. Large white rice. 2 pita bread. 1 pc baklawa . 1 pc basbosa (honey cake). 2 soft drinks
26,95 $
Dinner For Four
. 4 skewers of ksfta kabab. 4 skewers of chicken kabab. 4 pcs falafel . Large hummos. Large mediterranean salad. Large white rice. 4 pota bread. 2 ps baklwa. 2 pcs basbosa (honey cake) . 4 soft drinks
42,95 $
Dinner For Two Vegetarian
. 8 pcs falafel. Small hummos. Large mediterranean salad. Large white rice. 2 pita bread. 1 pc baklawa. 1 pc babosa (honey cake). 2 soft frinks
All plates served with one pita bread & your choice of two of the following: hummos tabbuli rice french fatoush mediterrannean salad mujjadara baba ghannouj